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St. John's Episcopal Church is located on the northwest side of Chicago, in the Old Irving Park neighborhood. You can learn more about us at our official web site. We hope you'll join us!

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Thursday, June 11, 2009

A Trip in the St. John's Time Machine

Here's another fascinating picture of St. John's from about 100 years ago, courtesy of Hugh, whose father was a choir boy and is in the picture. Click on the picture for a better look.

I think we had those same choir robes until a year or two ago, when the Pence Fund bought new ones.

Behind the group is what was, until 1924, the church entrance on Byron Street. The big Advent Window, "Presented by the Children's League of the Holy Child – Advent 1888," was over on the Kostner Ave. side of the building. That window was moved to its present location in 1924, when the church entrance on Kostner was constructed and the church was stuccoed. The smaller stained glass windows hadn't been installed yet – they didn't show up until the 1960's and 70's.

We can date the picture to the period 1908-13 because the rector is clearly Howard E. Ganster, who served in those years. You recognized him too, didn't you?

Rev. Ganster went from St. John's to Christ Episcopal Church in Waukegan, where he served many years. There is a municipal swimming pool in Waukegan called the Howard E. Ganster Pool. I kid you not.

But what about the top picture? Can this possibly be a photo of the choir? There are 51 people here! Where did they sit? But if it's not the choir, why are they wearing robes?

Do we still have that cross? And what's with the mortar boards on the women?

Ideas, anyone?

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1 comment:

Kara WS said...

What a hoot!I think the woman are covering their head in deference to St. Paul. Why mortar boards? The Protestant version of Roman Catholic lace hankies? I choose to believe it was a liberal statement about their intelligence. They wouldn't have all fit in the choir stalls at once, but they probably sang different services - the women at 9 and the men and boys at 11 (Yes we did have 3 services back then). And we still have that processional cross (minus the doodad hanging from it). But what about the priest's lovely headgear. I think someone should buy one for the current Rector so she can look smart and pretentious too!