We had three Christmas services this year:
• An afternoon Christmas Eve service (the children's service);
• A late Christmas Eve service; and
• A Christmas morning service.
Following are some photographs from each, starting with The Children's Service. In the interest of getting this posted in my lifetime, commentary will be sparse. I didn't capture a usable picture of everyone that had a role, and apologize if I missed you.
Madeleine played for us before the service.

His parents weren't the only ones proud of how well this young man read the lesson.

During the service the children brought the crèche figures forward.

Kara invited the children to help her with the sermon.

There was, however, a breakaway Fifth Column movement among the pre-schoolers.

A reformed Fifth Columnist joined Julianne, Kara, and Emma for the Eucharist.

The hymns were wonderful. But the lighting of the candles is every child's (and photographer's) favorite part.

The Late Christmas Eve Service
Below, the choir is practicing the Carol of the Bells before the service began. They were in fine form, and a treat to hear.

William and Dee sang Pietro Yon's Gesù Bambino.

Christina read from Isaiah: The people who walked in darkness have see a great light ....

Cheryl led the Prayers of the People....

And after the Eucharist, the candles were lit.

Three generations.

The Christmas Day Service
This was Julianne's first solo Christmas service. It, too, was wonderful.

The Gospel.

Merry Christmas everybody. I hope you enjoyed Christmas at St. John's as much as I did.
Again, Bob's stunning photography makes everyone look happier and holier! Thank you for sharing this wonderful gift with me.
The blog and photos are terrific. It's great to see the growth and diversity of events and outreach at St.John's. Every time I log on, there is more to learn about the parish history, the church traditions, and examples of living the Word of God in the world. It's fun sharing the beautiful church of my childhood with friends here in Florida. Thanks for everyones efforts to maintain this blog. It is touching other people more than you may realize.
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