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St. John's Episcopal Church is located on the northwest side of Chicago, in the Old Irving Park neighborhood. You can learn more about us at our official web site. We hope you'll join us!

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Friday, December 25, 2009

The Nightmare Before Christmas

It's every Parish Administrator's worst nightmare: 190 40-page service bulletins to be produced – in color – for Christmas Eve and Christmas, and the photocopier breaks down half-way through production.

Take deep breaths. Think of mountain streams. Call Mike at Ricoh.

We're pretty sure Mike didn't want to spend his Christmas Eve afternoon this way, either.


Kara WS said...

I was so sorry to hear about the nightmare...but so glad I didn't hear about it until after the Mike the Christmas Miracle came...thanks Bob and Suellen.

sjm said...

No need to share the misery!!

Merry Christmas, Kara!


Karen Hoyer said...

Just to let you know, I think the bulletins for the Christmas season have been lovely -- thank you for the extra time & work. The photos are beautiful and the color touches inside said "today is special"...