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St. John's Episcopal Church is located on the northwest side of Chicago, in the Old Irving Park neighborhood. You can learn more about us at our official web site. We hope you'll join us!

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Sunday, December 27, 2009

Gloria in Excelsis Deo

As the parish family of St. John gathered at three different Christmas services, we once again experienced the joyous message, sounds and sights of the season: The message of the greatest gift of all that we receive at Christmas--the birth of the infant Jesus Christ; the wonderful musical offering from the choir and soloists; and the beauty of our chancel enlivened with the sparkling trees alongside the reredos and the bright greens and reds of poinsettias, garlands, many bows, and our treasured "Nativity Banner" suspended above the chancel steps.

This fine art piece was hand-sewn by a former member of the parish, Nadine Raich Pool, in 1967. The work, created in applique, took four months to complete. It was exhibited at the "Art of the Spirit" show in Evanston in April 1968. That Christmas, Nadine generously loaned the banner to St. John's to be part of the festive decorations. The rector wrote in the January 1969 The Eagle: "Father Adams has noticed that he mutters 'Thou shalt not covet' to himself every time goes through the church". However, in time, the banner did become the property of the parish, when Nadine donated it in 1974.

Milton and Dorothy Raich were members of St. John's for many years and their two talented daughters contributed so much to the parish. Nancy served as organist and choir director for several years and Nadine created an art work which has become a cherished and integral part of Christmas at St. John's.

-Angela McCormick

1 comment:

Kara WS said...

Thank you for reminding us of our rich history. It is great to have the font of all knowledge in our parish!