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St. John's Episcopal Church is located on the northwest side of Chicago, in the Old Irving Park neighborhood. You can learn more about us at our official web site. We hope you'll join us!

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Sunday, December 6, 2009

Pictures at an Ordination

A good crowd of St. John's folks were privileged to witness Julianne's ordination to the priesthood on the Feast of St. Clement, Saturday, December 5. In the interest of sharing pictures as quickly as possible, there will be little narrative to this post. Any picture can be enlarged by clicking on it. Click on your browser's back arrow to return to the post.

The scene – St. James Cathedral, Chicago:

The vestments at the far end of the rail are Julianne's:

The ordinands prostrated themselves at the beginning of the service. The bare feet are Julianne's.

Former Chicago Bishop Persell was there to participate. Here Bishop Persell gives Julianne a Bible:

Bishop Lee presided:

Bishop Lee asked to receive the first blessing of the new priests:

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Those are great pictures! Thanks, Jim Steen